Sponsor The AI Fix podcast

“The AI Fix” listed in the Top 5 technology podcasts, Apple Podcasts

“The AI Fix” listed in the Top 5 technology podcasts, Apple Podcasts

Thanks for your interest in sponsoring "The AI Fix".

"The AI Fix" podcast receives thousands of downloads each week (IAB certified, the industry standard in advertising for podcast analytics). The podcast has made regular appearances in the Apple Podcasts Top 10 UK Technology Chart, and has listeners in over 120 countries around the world. Its primary audience is in the United States (35%), United Kingdom (24%), Australia (7%), Canada (5%), and Germany (4%).

We haven't surveyed our listenership as yet, but we think it's fair to assume that our listenership is interested in artificial intelligence, and the latest technological developments.

Sponsors get a promotional slot spoken by the podcast hosts in the episode, and put links to your promotions into the episode’s show notes and webpage.

We will also publicise your sponsorship to our followers on Twitter.

If you are interested in sponsoring episodes of "The AI Fix", or have any questions, please get in touch.